Fund your postdoctoral stay – submit your MSCA-PF with MUNI!
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) is a prestigious and convenient two-year international postdoctoral EU funding.
Let us introduce you to the proposal preparation support we can provide to you at MUNI, and with unique and unbeatable alternative funding options you can access if you submit your MSCA-PF submission with MUNI.
MSCA-PF – what is the idea behind this grant?
The MSCA-PF purpose is to support complex career development of young postdocs. The applicant and the supervisor should be complementary and enrich each other with their respective knowledge, expertise and approach. Thus the supervisor must be actively engaged in both the proposal preparation and implementation.
The essence of the proposal is a strong scientific idea and a research plan, but also a plan of both hard and transferrable skills development. The transferrable skills trainings should be organic part of the project and can include IPR, Open science, publication strategy, communication with different targets, management in research, grant writing, etc.
Grant offices at the faculties can help you prepare a matching training plan, and discuss all the options you could take.
Who can apply for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship?
MSCA-PF is for postdocs who changes their institution and leave of have recently left for an institution abroad.
The applicants have to meet the following conditions:
- to have defended their Ph.D. thesis at the call deadline at the latest.
- They can apply up to 8 years after they defended their Ph.D. thesis (with exceptions of time spent outside Europe, parental leave, and similar)
- They have not resided/studied/worked in the country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the deadline
Practical tip: Always check your eligibility to apply! MSCA-PF-2024 deadline is on 11th September 2024.
What's the MSCA-PF funding?
MSCA-PF cover postdoc salary, but also includes family and mobility allowance, as well as contribution to research, trainings and networking for the whole duration of the project, usually two years.

What is your chance to get MSCA-PF?
MSCA-PF is highly competitive. In H2020, to get a MSCA-IF the applicant had to score at least 93% (10-15 % of all applicants).
However, there is also alternative funding for your proposal that would not reach the MSCA-PF funding:
- ERA Fellowship (former Widening Fellowship in H2020) – an extra funding for postodcs applying with an institution from a Widening country (CR is one of them). In H2020, to get a Widening Fellowhsip you would have to score at least 90% (up to about 25 % of all applicants)
- MSCA OP J.A.C. – Structural funds funding for the “Seal of Excellence“ However, the threshold for funding using the threshold for proposal considered for funding, i.e., 70% (achieved by about 70-80 % applicants!). This is a massive competitive advantage of the Czech Republic as such conditions are unbeatable in the context of all Widening countries!
About 90 % of MSCA-IF applications submitted at MUNI scored 70%+. Submitting with MUNI makes your chances to succeed and get funded extremely high.
One proposal = three funding options!

Dates and deadlines
- MSCA-PF call published: 10th April 2024
- Deadline for submitting proposals: 11. 9. 2024
- Call results announcment: February 2025
- Expected project start: June 2025
- MSCA OP J.A.C.: another batch of proposals submitted, start expected in January 2025
Get more information!
During spring 2023 we will hold workshops for postdocs and their supervisor where they can kick start their proposal preparation and get in-depth information on what they should write and how. Terms of the Workshops will be published on IMPROVE website and also send to research support staff at MUNI faculties.
You can contact specific contacts at the faculties any time:
Who can help you with proposal preparation?
- Jakub Zeman ( - individual proposal consultations, assistance with proposal preparation and submission, Rector´s Office MU
- Kateřina Ježová ( – individual proposal consultations, assistance with proposal preparation and submission, Project Support Office, Faculty of Science, MUNI
- Mirjana Stanojevic ( - assistance with proposal preparation and submission, RECETOX, Faculty of Science, MUNI
- Dr. Jiří Jaroš ( - Faculty of Law, MUNI
- Mgr. Dagmar Václavíková ( – Faculty of Medicine, MUNI
- Mgr. et Mgr. Denisa Földešiová ( – Faculty of Arts, MUNI
- Mgr. Roman Drga ( – Faculty of Sports Studies, MUNI
- Mgr. Iva Krejčí (, - ICS MUNI
- Mgr. Jana Halámková ( - Faculty of Infromatics
- Mgr. Eva Kicková ( – Faculty of Social Studies, MUNI
- Mgr. Veronika Michlová Štěrbová ( - CEITEC MUNI
- JUDr. Sabina Krejčiříková ( - Faculty of Pharmacology
- Ing. Iveta Šmajerová ( - Faculty of Economics and Adminsitration