Corentin Bajon, a second-year Ph.D. student from Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier in French Toulouse, is on his second stay at the Department of Physical Electronics. His exchange stay is through the Czech MEYS Mobility program called Study of the dielectric barrier discharge in CO2. Corentin studies Physique des Plasmas and cooperates with Le Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie (LAPLACE). At the DPE, Corentin will stay for five weeks at the research group Plasma Diagnostics and Modeling of Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Hoder. He will continue his research of the dielectric barrier discharge in the CO2 atmosphere here in Brno. His results will be a part of his dissertation thesis and joint scientific publications.
In the scope of the Mobility project, the scientists will, for the first time, characterize the homogeneous discharge at atmospheric pressure in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and make a systematic comparison with discharges working in filamentary modes. This research enables the study of reaction mechanisms in these discharges (excitation and dissociation from direct electron impact, subsequent excitation mechanisms, and others). Corentin also deals with the precision quantification of CO2 dissociation rate in various modes of discharge operation using infrared absorption. He will identify the dominant mechanism in these discharges using chemical kinetic models.
Why does Corentin do his research at the Department of Physical Electronics here with us in Brno? His Ph.D. thesis is under dual supervision. He works with the guidance of Nicolas Naudé from Toulouse and Tomáš Hoder from MUNI. His university does not have the necessary equipment to study nanosecond dielectric barrier discharges in the CO2 atmosphere. We have asked Corentin few questions about his research and stay. Read for more.
Can you tell us about your research here in Brno?
In the laboratory here in Brno, I cooperate with David Prokop and Lukáš Kusýn, fellow Ph.D. students of Tomáš Hoder. We study a nanosecond dielectric barrier discharge in a point-to-point configuration. We use time-correlated single photon counting optical emission spectroscopy for the discharge diagnostics to gain insight into the fundamental processes. It is a great advantage for me to work with people who have a lot of experience in nanosecond dielectric barrier discharge.
What do you find most interesting about your research?
For one thing, the fact that we study atmospheric pressure discharge makes applying these discharges in industry and professional settings easier. Our research follows the one at low pressures back at the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP). The other interesting fact is that we were the first to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain diffuse discharge in CO2 at atmospheric pressure. Generally, in the literature it is reported that discharge under these conditions operate in filamentary modes. We know that the homogeneity depends on many parameters, such as power and even the surface of the dielectric material. However, the physical mechanisms responsible for this are still unknown.
How is it to have dual supervision of your Ph.D. studies?
It is quite common in France to have dual supervision. Since Tomáš Hoder is one of my supervisors, we have an online group meeting every two weeks. We discussed results, experiments, and schedules with my other supervisor Nicolas Naudé and colleagues from the LPP.
Why did you choose plasma physics as a field of your studies?
I studied mechanical engineering, but I had missed more of physics. I choose plasma physics by accident. One day, I saw a poster of some research in plasma physics, and I found it fascinating. So I ended up applying for my master's studies in plasma physics.
Have you ever visited other foreign countries during your studies?
I attended some conferences. But apart from that, I have not stayed abroad for any study exchange except here in the Czech Republic. And this is my second time staying here.
What do you do in your free time? How do you find Czech cuisine?
I enjoy sightseeing and exploring the city. I visited parks and Špilberk Castle. Czech food is good. I find it to have a lot of flavors. And I can always choose something universal if I am not in the mood.
What do you find challenging here?
Oh, that has to be the language. In the Czech Republic, I speak English. But my English could get better, so I appreciate the opportunity to improve. It is a challenge for me.
Thank you for answering the questions and we wish you the best outcomes in your life and work.