Umbraco Content Management System

Umbraco is a highly open, flexible CMS used by a number of companies, schools, and state administrative bodies. It is not well-known in the Czech Republic, but outside the country it is in wide use as the CMS of choice for the Microsoft .NET platform. Because of its openness, Umbraco is not set up identically in any two installations: it always depends on what and how information is to be presented.


Number of Umbraco installations worldwide


Umbraco community members

Umbraco at Masaryk University

  • Editing interface

    • A single environment for editing all websites, with access via the Unified MU Login.
    • A clearly laid out graphical interface for content creation.
    • Barrier-free access to MU data (units, persons, study fields, projects, publications, ...).
  • Website operation infrastructure

    • Website operation and backup, 24/7 monitoring.
    • Comprehensive user support.
    • Regularly updated content management system and database and website servers.


Umbraco Implementation: Our Philosophy

While commercial companies use Umbraco and other CMSs to modify a single website, the situation at MUNI is different. In addition to the and faculty websites, there are other hundreds of small websites presenting individual projects, units, activities, conferences, etc. Each is unique, so no static structure or content may be defined in advance for the individual websites.

The website editing interface is therefore totally open and allows the content of the websites to be freely combined and created, with no artificial limits. The only limitation imposed is adherence to the MU unified visual style.

Along with its benefits, the philosophy brings complications for new users who have no structure to hold on to when creating new websites. To help them, we have prepared documentation, and under certain circumstances, will also take a direct hand in creating the new websites.

“Umbraco implementation at MU aims to ensure that no one who needs to create a new website will lose time searching out his or her own solutions. For this reason, in addition to the technological tools provided by Umbraco, we also utilize a unified construction set for websites and for newsletters. The combination of these three basic elements reduces user concerns to a single focus: putting together quality content.”

Pavel Budík
Project Head

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