Encountering Non-Humans ○ About
Conference Encountering Non-Humans: On Methodologies for the Post-Anthropocene aims to discuss methodological aspects of non-human, more-than-human and other others from interdisciplinary perspectives, ranging from (post-)humanities, social studies and live sciences research to the public sphere and artistic practice, while situating the research and practices to current socio-economical contexts and tackling the wicked problems of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. First day of the conference will be dedicated to speakers, workshops will take place on the second day.
In the literature, we often encounter an emphasis or insistence on the end of anthropocentrism, but too often only in theoretical terms without methodological frameworks and practical examples (Morton 2017). Under the term "non-human actors" we can imagine animals, artificial intelligence, bacteria, smart technologies, natural resources, and multiple others. The topic is reflected in academic discourse in the context of contemporary issues and future challenges such as climate collapse, the geopolitical crisis, or the Internet of Things.
Conference took place on 26-27 November 2022 in Brno, Czech Republic and online.
Organization team
Mgr. Roman Sellner Novotný
Roman is a designer and assistant at the Department of Information and Library Studies, Faculty of Arts, MU. His research interests include design theory and practice, speculative design and transition design. He is pursuing a PhD on Faculty of Arts, MU.
Visual identity, CfP, posters, banners by Veronika Sellner
Booklet with abstracts by Veronika Šmerdová
This conference is supported by the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.