Encountering Non-Humans ○ Call for Papers
The CfP is closed now.
We invite you to explore and discuss the methodologies for the post-anthropocene and creating space for sharing experiences and methods of (co-)creating with non-humans. Join our call for papers!
Deadline: October 24, 2022
Fill out this online form: muni.cz/go/cfp_nonhumans (abstract, bio, affiliation, contact)
We aim for rigorous discussion as well as creating a space for dissemination of ideas, sharing, and connecting. Participants from any field and type of practice are welcome. Expected length of talk is 20 minutes (including discussion). The conference will be held in English. Selected participants will be notified by October 28.
Possible topics include (and are not limited to):
- – Co-creating with and for non-humans,
– Increasing participation and awareness of non-humans in the decision-making,
– Rethinking design methodologies,
– Entanglement and experimental research methods,
– Posthuman participative and non-representative methods,
– Socio-economic and political refiguring of contexts.
This conference is supported by the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.