In order to make the CERIT-SC computing infrastructure fault-tolerant as well as to allow the possibility of its specific setting/tuning, it is designed to be fully independent of the MetaCentrum computing infrastructure. Therefore, the jobs dedicated to run on the CERIT-SC nodes are managed by our own scheduling server (using the Torque scheduling system).

CERIT-SC computing infrastructure is available for all active MetaCentrum users automatically. New users have to submit a registration form to MetaCentrum. MetaCentrum membership is free for all persons from academic environment of the Czech republic with research objectives.

The jobs can be submitted to the CERIT-SC computing infrastructure both via the CERIT-SC frontend as well as MetaCentrum frontends:

  • Using the CERIT-SC frontend - once logged on the frontend (using the SSH protocol), the jobs are submitted in a common way using the qsub command:
    $ ssh
    Password: <enter META password>
    $ qsub  <job's/nodes' properties>  <job script>


    Note: To access the frontend using Kerberos v5 tickets, please, add the following lines to the section "domain_realm" of your /etc/krb5.conf file (alternatively, download the new /etc/krb5.conf file from MetaCentrum site):

        ... = ICS.MUNI.CZ
  • Using MetaCentrum frontends - when submitting a job via any of the MetaCentrum frontends (list of frontends and log-in methods), there has to be the server (the CERIT-SC scheduling server) explicitly specified. This specification is performed via the "-q" option in the following way:
       $ ssh    # or any of the other frontends
       Password: <enter META password>
       $ qsub -q  <job's/nodes' properties>  <job script>

Note: If you use SSH keys when accessing the infrastructure, it is necessary to obtain the Kerberos credentials via the $ kinit command before the infrastructure could be properly used.

Accessing machines From Windows

You need an application which emulates terminal with ssh client to access MetaCentrum machines. We recommend these applications:


You are running an old browser version which is not fully supported information system anymore. Some applications might not display correctly, some functions might not work as expected or might not work at all.