
Computing resources

The Center CERIT-SC operates more than 7000 CPU cores in two main usage modes: 

Cloud compute also known as "Infrastructure as a Service" paradigm – run virtual machines on demand with complete control, using standardised interfaces (industry standards OpenNebula and OpenStack as well as standardised OCCI interface).

High throughput compute use traditional computing environment – common operating system, hundreds of preinstalled software packages, payload distributed with batch system. Resources are allocated to individual users based on fair-share policies reflecting scientific results the users achieve using CERIT-SC.

Storage capacity

The Center CERIT-SC operates 10+ PB of storage of two types:

Shared networked storage for user data – standard disk arrays to keep data used for computations on the clusters

High-capacity data storage (Hierarchical Storage Management, HSM with capacity above 9 PB) for storing semi-permanent and permanent data from scientific equipment and computations


The hardware resources are complemented by a wide portfolio of development tools (compilers, code analysers, debuggers), e.g., Intel and Portland C, C++ and Fortran compilers, Intel vTune, TotalView, Allinea DDT, and more than 200 modules of application software related to all scientific disciplines of the Centre’s users. In general, the software is purchased in tight cooperation with CESNET to maximise its impact.

How to become an infrastructure user

Access to all the resources (hardware and software) and services is available for free (Open Access) to all bona fide researchers and students belonging to Czech universities and research community in general. This is analogous to the way access is granted to the academic network in the Czech Republic. This access does not need any formal pre-allocation. Important users are prioritized (their limits expanded) in an automated way, based on an evaluation of their research results achieved with the use of Center's resources. Being part of the EGI infrastructures, the resources of Center CERIT-SC are also available to users from abroad. A standard way is through the recommendation of  Czech research teams already using the resources (through a particular Virtual Organisation) or through joint international projects with the Center and/or its users.

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