15 May – 29 July 2018 | |
Registration Packages |
PI/postdoc | 120 EUR (approx. 3000 CZK) |
Graduate (PhD) student | 70 EUR (approx. 1750 CZK) |
Undergraduate (Msc, Bc) student | 40 EUR (approx. 1000 CZK) |
PI/postdoc (payment in *CZK*) | 3000 CZK |
Graduate (PhD) student (payment in *CZK*) | 1750 CZK |
Undergraduate (Msc, Bc) student (payment in *CZK*) | 1000 CZK |
Deadline for registration, abstract submission and payment was elongated to 29.7.2018.
Please, process your payment by this day as we will not be able to include your contribution in abstract book after this day.
Notes for registrants:
Please, carefully check your VAT number as any typo in this information would not allow you to finish the registration.
If you are from the Czech Republic, insert only ICO (not VAT) number.
If you are from the Masaryk University, do not insert ICO into the application and please contact Mgr. Lucie Nesvadbová (lus@sci.muni.cz) for details as your payment has to go through internal university system.
After payment, you can download the invoice from your registration account.
Original signed and stamped invoices will be provided to all registratns on the meeting registration desk.
Guidlines for Authors
Abstract Title
Titles are limited to 250 characters, including spaces.
Presenting author should be underlined.
Each abstract can include a maximum of 10 co-authors.
Abstract text
Abstract text are limited to 250 words, including spaces.
The abstract text should be inputted directly within the registration form, ON-LINE. Sample/example abstract can be downloaded during registration, for reference. Please note that payment of registration can be processed later after abstract acceptance. Both passive or active registration, in term of presenting at the meeting, is possible.